These two types of therapy are highly recommended for dogs

These two types of therapy are highly recommended for dogs
Everyone at Pet Respect would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas…
Keep your pets safe during firework season and check out the RSPCA campaign
It’s been a long time coming, but yes, we now have Instagram! Follow us at @petrespect09 to see our latest news, events and story posts. We’d joined the Instagram train that late that we were unable to have just ‘Pet Respect’ as our username. However, those who are eagle eyed and in the ‘Pet Respect’ […]
We are so proud of our team Pet Respect but especially Kim, Sally and our Therapy dog Simba for their recent therapy dog hospital visit. After many years of enquiring for Therapy Dog Visits in Hull Royal Infirmary, it was finally made possible. It was fantastic seeing the amazing effect Simba had on the patients, […]
The branch at Country Road South, Hull have sponsored the programme for 2022/2023
Our belated therapy dog is the start of an exceptional book available to buy!
Oscar, George, Gladys, Ruby and Simba have all joined this year!
A special thank you and well done to Anna and her father, from Pet Respect and LouAnne
Find out more about one of our therapy dog handler, Sally
You can donate directly to Pet Respect through PayPal or by using your credit/debit card. Just click the button below.
Charity Number – 1136215
These two types of therapy are highly recommended for dogs
Everyone at Pet Respect would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas...
Keep your pets safe during firework season and check out the RSPCA campaign
It's been a long time coming, but yes, we now have Instagram! Follow us at @petrespect09 to see our latest news, events and story posts. We'd joined the Instagram train that late that we were…
We are so proud of our team Pet Respect but especially Kim, Sally and our Therapy dog Simba for their recent therapy dog hospital visit. After many years of enquiring for Therapy Dog Visits in Hull…
The branch at Country Road South, Hull have sponsored the programme for 2022/2023