Pet Respect Makes Special Therapy Dog Visit

We are so proud of our team Pet Respect but especially Kim, Sally and our Therapy dog Simba for their recent therapy dog hospital visit.

After many years of enquiring for Therapy Dog Visits in Hull Royal Infirmary, it was finally made possible.

It was fantastic seeing the amazing effect Simba had on the patients, that much so that they have been asked back. 

Doctors and Nurses chaperoned Simba and witnessed the positive effect on each patient as they enjoyed stroking and communicating with our therapy dog. 

The doctor was amazed to watch one patient’s oxygen levels suddenly improve whilst engaging with Simba. 

The patients smiled and the visit lifted their mood, it helped them be in the moment and forget their limitations and enjoy fussing a therapy dog. 

Kim and Sally were so pleased with the positive effect Simba had with everyone, even a visit to a very stressed doctor saw wonderful positive effects.

We will definitely be visiting again. 

Well done Simba, lots of love from us all at Pet Respect!

One Response to Pet Respect Makes Special Therapy Dog Visit

  1. Wendy 05/07/2023 at 11:08 pm #

    This is so good to see, especially on the NHS anniversary. Well done everyone involved. Long may the therapy dogs work continue and go on to improve and uplift everyone they come in to contact with.

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